Friday, June 15, 2012

Plant carrots in January and you'll never have to eat carrots. ~Author Unknown

I planted my carrots in May - I feel the same way.
Spindly Carrots

However, the other crops seem to be doing OK.  I am going to fertilize everything this weekend and mulch with straw.



Brussels Sprouts


Green Beans

1 comment:

  1. Carrots are pretty hard to grow in our hot Florida summers, so is a lot of other things. In South Florida our growing seasons are fliped. We rest and build soil during the summer months of May, June and July and we grow everything during fall, winter and early spring. August is usually when I start planting seeds. The only thing that is worth growing during summer for me are sweet potatoes,eggplants and watermellons.
    There is a learning curve to growing things down here, once you know when to plant and what to plant everything else will fall into place. The heat, and bugs will always win in a summer garden.
