Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Operation Chicken Coop

Saturday was Chicken Coop Day.  

We went to Home Depot and got the supplies we needed. 
1. 28 cinder blocks
2. Two pair of work gloves
3. One wire cutter
I would like to add that upon planning the site I only calculated for cinder blocks around the perimeter of the site, B however decided to fill the site with cinder blocks.  That is why he gets paid the big bucks, brains and  good looks.  A hard combination to come by.
This line of defense is to keep predators from digging under and coming up into the coop. 

Step 1
The Site

Step 2
In order to protect our chickens I decided to lay a defense under the coop. We dug down 9", a cinder block is 8", I think we actually dug  A LOT further down.

The big dig
The big dig from another angle

Step 3 
We laid hardware cloth at the bottom of the site.

Hardware cloth

Step 4
Cinder blocks were laid onto the hardware cloth.
Cinder Blocks

Step 5
We shoveled the soil back onto the site in order to fill in each cinder block hole.
Filling in cinder blocks with soil

Step 6
We watered down the soil to get it to settle into the holes

Puddin checking out the watering

Second fill in

Second settling

Step 7
Another layer of hardware cloth

Hardware cloth

Step 8
Taking the pieces of the coop out of the boxes
Two boxes

Box 1 contents

Box 1 contents

Box 2 contents

Box 2 contents

Step 9
Assembly of the coop, this part is almost to exciting for me, I was all hurry up, hurry up, and B was all woo Nelly slow down!!

Step 10
Fully assembled and in place


Yes, there were some damages and missing pieces, I sent them an email.  I raked back some of the soil into the areas where I am going to plant some flowers and I also took some left over pavers and made them a little porch for the run door.  B went to Home Depot and got some supplies to "tie" the coop down.  It is very lite and we do not want it going to Kansas in the event of a hurricane.

Here are some misc. pictures from during the construction.
Ancient Aztec plastic bowl we dug up!

Brody and McKie helping to water in.

Puddins and Brody resting in the shade.

Brody taking a water break.

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