Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cats vs. Garden

I don't live in the country, I live in an urban area, but within my urban area are many free range cats, otherwise known as Feral cats, outside cats or more appropriate to South Florida - Homeless Cats. I don't really mind them, they provide endless entertainment for our Labradors and the Cockapoo.  I am guessing they also provide a much needed vermin eradication service.  One big black and white one often finds its' way to our front porch or under the cars.  I do not feed them however, because I know what I would feed them is way better then what their foster people feed them, I don't need 4,000 homeless cats in my yard.
And you are saying - the problem is???  Well Cat POOP of course. They seem to enjoy the side yard where the garden is, normally in the grass.  I scoop it up and pitch it.  Otherwise Puddin Pop loves to roll her body in it.  Weird how dogs love getting poop on their bodies.  This morning when it was crop watering time I went out and there it was ~ A HUGE swarm of flies.  I knew right away I had a problem that is going to require more then a poop bag.  This is now a long term problem and I declare war kitty cats.  Now mind you we have four INDOOR kitties, so it isn't like I hate cats.  But cat poop plus edible garden foods, well it makes my stomach turn. After clearing out the poops I went into the garage and got a fly trap bag. Filled it as directed and hung in the area of attack. Flies are easy to handle, cats - not so much.
I have used these traps for a few months now and they are AWESOME! So that problem is being addressed. I googled "how to keep cats out of raised vegetable gardens" and will enlist a few of the suggestions.  Coffee grounds will be my first line of defense. So if you see me in the dumpster at Dunkin Donuts, know I am not binging, I am gathering coffee grounds.
Puddin Pop - not rolling in poop

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