I sat in the room with them most of the day Friday with my video camera all set up and ready to record. #1 pipped in the morning before I got up, she took most of the day to zip, but when she did, she came out fast. When I went to bed Friday night #2 still only had her pip.
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Buff #1 |
I am trying to come up with names for my two new babies.
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Buff #2 a bit after hatching |
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#1 wanting to know how much longer she has to stay in the bator |
These little ones a such cute little fluff balls!
#2 still drying |
The second one seemed to take a bit longer to get stronger so they both stayed in the incubator until Saturday evening.
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Brooder |
I have them in my bathtub for now, with the Brinsea EcoGlow warmer. They have a towel, water and some starter chick feed. They are pooping like crazy which can only mean good things. Right?
Over the weekend we assembled our new coop and got all existing pullets into it. I will be cleaning and sanitizing the brooder soon to put my Buffs in.
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New Coop!!! |
My coop is from Horizon Structures, it took us about 8 hours to complete, this coop is AMAZING!!!
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All 5 chicks in new run |
There is a door that I can use to get into the coop part and I can also get inside the gate to the run. My old coop that was impossible which leads to difficulty cleaning. It also has an automatic door that opens and closes based on the sun rise and sun set. The last two nights Carrie and Miranda (Amerucanas) went up the ramp on their own. Jenny, Moe and Snow not so much. I had to get in the run, round them up and put them in the coop. Easy right, well no, my coop has a first floor that they can go under it and that is right where they went when I got in the run with them. Eventually thought I got them all up in the run and blocked it off until the door would close. I found that if I hold my hand in front of the sensor it thinks it is dark enough and the door closes. I am hoping they catch on soon. I also realized that none of them use the roost bars to sleep. Carrie and Miranda have always laid in a nest box, which they are still doing. The three little ones all crowded together near the roost bar, but I have no idea where they spent the whole night.
those new babies are soooooo cuuute.I like the names Goldie and blondie if they are both girls.