What better way to celebrate America's birthday then to bring home two
Ameraucana chicks??
Miranda and Carrie
They did very well their first night in their new home. We had a bad storm last night and I wasn't able to go shoo them up the ramp to stay dry, but as soon as it slowed I went out to check on them. They were both in the nesting boxes and dry as could be. I tucked them in for the night, moved their food into the center to attempt to keep it dry and said my good nights.
This morning I went out to check on them and open the door so they could come down to eat. they have lots of ants to snack on today. The meal worm treat and the chix stix are quite the attractant.
On the hatching front ~ we are in day 11 of the incubation process. I have everything ready for the brooder, minus the lid. I am going to make a wood frame and then staple chicken wire on it to keep them safe and sound.
The new girls are so cute, Congrates. before you know it you will have more eggs then you can eat.