Wednesday, June 27, 2012

America's Birthday!

What better way to celebrate America's birthday then to bring home two Ameraucana chicks??
Miranda and Carrie

They did very well their first night in their new home.  We had a bad storm last night and I wasn't able to go shoo them up the ramp to stay dry, but as soon as it slowed I went out to check on them.  They were both in the nesting boxes and dry as could be. I tucked them in for the night, moved their food into the center to attempt to keep it dry and said my good nights.

This morning I went out to check on them and open the door so they could come down to eat.  they have lots of ants to snack on today.  The meal worm treat and the chix stix are quite the attractant.   

On the hatching front ~ we are in day 11 of the incubation process. I have everything ready for the brooder, minus the lid.  I am going to make a wood frame and then staple chicken wire on it to keep them safe and sound.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

I just got back from New Hampshire where I spent the weekend with my son, his girlfriend, my sister and nephew, my daughter and my grandson.  Good family time!!
While I was gone day 7 passed and I was unable to candle my eggs.  So I was able to finally do it last night after dark. Out of the 5 eggs I have left, two are looking like something is progressing, two are clear as the day I got them, and one is iffy.  And by iffy I mean I have no flipping clue.  this being my first time hatching, I have a rather large learning curve. has six of her eggs in my "bator", her's are doing a lot better then mine are.  She has two that are clear, the rest seem to be progressing good.

I found the coop of my dreams and ordered the plans.

This thing is amazing on every level.

On the gardening front I have cauliflower growing! The beans and peas are blossomed. I will update photos of those tonight. Forgot my camera at home.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Seeping and Weeping

Last night when I got home I checked on my eggs as I always do, and to my horror and sadness there were two eggs with brownish crust one them.  I opened the "bator" and could smell right away things were not good in the Farm Gurl incubation room.  I took the eggs out, the seeping crust kinda burned my skin. I replaced the top and took the eggs into the kitchen and put them in a baggie.  I will perform a necropsy when I get home tonight.  I was to sad and nervous last night.

Seeping eggs

Eggs 2 and 7

I checked the eggs about 20 times last night to see if any others developed the case of the creeping seeping. They were all good.  Checked again this morning.  All is good in the incubation room.

City Chic-N-Kids: Candeling & Embryo Development Link

City Chic-N-Kids: Candeling & Embryo Development Link: Yes, I am up at 5:30 a.m. searching the internet for candeling techniques, and charts.   I found this great link.   At first it is unassumin...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Operation Chicken Coop

Saturday was Chicken Coop Day.  

We went to Home Depot and got the supplies we needed. 
1. 28 cinder blocks
2. Two pair of work gloves
3. One wire cutter
I would like to add that upon planning the site I only calculated for cinder blocks around the perimeter of the site, B however decided to fill the site with cinder blocks.  That is why he gets paid the big bucks, brains and  good looks.  A hard combination to come by.
This line of defense is to keep predators from digging under and coming up into the coop. 

Step 1
The Site

Step 2
In order to protect our chickens I decided to lay a defense under the coop. We dug down 9", a cinder block is 8", I think we actually dug  A LOT further down.

The big dig
The big dig from another angle

Step 3 
We laid hardware cloth at the bottom of the site.

Hardware cloth

Step 4
Cinder blocks were laid onto the hardware cloth.
Cinder Blocks

Step 5
We shoveled the soil back onto the site in order to fill in each cinder block hole.
Filling in cinder blocks with soil

Step 6
We watered down the soil to get it to settle into the holes

Puddin checking out the watering

Second fill in

Second settling

Step 7
Another layer of hardware cloth

Hardware cloth

Step 8
Taking the pieces of the coop out of the boxes
Two boxes

Box 1 contents

Box 1 contents

Box 2 contents

Box 2 contents

Step 9
Assembly of the coop, this part is almost to exciting for me, I was all hurry up, hurry up, and B was all woo Nelly slow down!!

Step 10
Fully assembled and in place


Yes, there were some damages and missing pieces, I sent them an email.  I raked back some of the soil into the areas where I am going to plant some flowers and I also took some left over pavers and made them a little porch for the run door.  B went to Home Depot and got some supplies to "tie" the coop down.  It is very lite and we do not want it going to Kansas in the event of a hurricane.

Here are some misc. pictures from during the construction.
Ancient Aztec plastic bowl we dug up!

Brody and McKie helping to water in.

Puddins and Brody resting in the shade.

Brody taking a water break.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Operation EGGtravaganza

Egg Candling ~ I candled each egg Saturday June 16, 2012 to make sure the eggs were not cracked. 
First I washed my hands as to not contaminate the eggs as they are very susceptible to germs and such.  

Egg 1

Egg 2

Egg 3

Egg 4

Egg 5

Egg 6

Egg 7
Each egg appeared to be fine and ready to go. 
They continued to sit at room temperature until Sunday June 17, 2012 with City - Chic was going to come over with her eggs so they could all go into the "bator" at once. 
Good night children.....

Friday, June 15, 2012

City Chic-N-Kids: The Farm Gurl / City Chic Hatch

City Chic-N-Kids: The Farm Gurl / City Chic Hatch: The difference between a Farm Gurl and a City Chic; My eggs are due to be delivered Saturday (aka TOMORROW) and this City Chic doesn't even ha...

Plant carrots in January and you'll never have to eat carrots. ~Author Unknown

I planted my carrots in May - I feel the same way.
Spindly Carrots

However, the other crops seem to be doing OK.  I am going to fertilize everything this weekend and mulch with straw.



Brussels Sprouts


Green Beans

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Operation Chicken EGGtravaganza!!!

It's time, It's time!!!!  I assembled my Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance  last night.  I have to say it was a bit nerve wracking.  The instructions were not very detailed, and not having a frame of reference I second guessed myself on every point. I also registered the product for my warranty. (That is always very important)
I set the "bator" in my guest room on the dresser, plugged her in and made some adjustments to the temperature and Humidity levels. And away she went, heating to a perfect 99 degrees.

My little eggs were shipped yesterday and are scheduled to arrive Saturday.  Perfect timing, so I can set them for their 24 hour "relax" time before they are set in the "bator" on Sunday June 17, 2012 ~ Father's Day.  Then 21 days later is a Saturday, which gives me all weekend to sit and watch them hatch!!!!
Fresh out of the box
I am going to blog and journal this process on a daily basis.  My journal will include dates, times, temperatures and humidity levels.  Once I get the eggs I will make sure they are clean and healthy. Then I will number them.  My partner in chicken - "City Chic" is going to also place some eggs to hatch.  Mine are from MYPETCHICKEN.COM - Bantam Blue Silkies.  "City Chic" is placing Bantam Cochins ~ 4 calico, 4 calico frizzles, 2 silver laced and 2 white.

We are both very excited to experience this event.
Assembled and cooking!
Saturday has been named Coop Construction Day. Brian and I are going to prep the sight and assemble the coop.  The plan to protect against digging/tunneling predators is to dig down 9", place the hardware cloth, then line the rectangle with cinder blocks, put down a layer of gravel, then a layer of soil and then lay fresh sod on top.  The coop and run will sit on top of the prepped area.  I am going to plant marigolds on the east side of the coop and sunflowers on the west side. Both a chicken favorite.  

I ordered and received 13 assorted herb plants that I will put into little galvanized buckets and arrange them on the fence beside the coop.  These herbs will serve as salad and treats for the chickens, as well as for us. 

Here is a list of the herbs I chose and the benefits to chickens:

Basil ~ Antibacterial, mucus membrane health
Catnip ~ Sedative, insecticide
Dill ~ Antioxidant, relaxant, respiratory health
Fennel ~Laying stimulant
Garlic ~ Laying stimulant
Lavender ~ Stress reliever, increases blood circulation, highly aromatic, insecticide
Lemon Balm ~ Stress reliever, antibacterial, highly aromatic, rodent repellent
Mint ~ Insecticide and rodent repellent
Oregano ~ Combats coccidia, salmonella, infectious bronchitis, avian flu, blackhead and e-coli
Parsley ~ High in vitamins, aids in blood vessel development, laying stimulant
Rosemary ~ Pain relief, respiratory health, insecticide
Sage ~ Antioxidant, anti-parasitic, general health promoter
Thyme ~ Respiratory health, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-parasitic


Please stay tuned for more Operation Chicken EGGtravaganza...........................

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Worms - not just for fishing

I realized yesterday that I am venturing into territory that I have never gone before.  When I was in high school my boyfriend's family used to gather worms to sell for bait to local fisher-people that drove by on the way to the lake.  I was enlisted/volunteered to help "gather" them.  THIS was a process I never knew existed.  The equipment required was as follows:  A flash light, an old coffee can and extreme courage.  This event occurred at night. (they lived in the country - it is darker there) You took the flashlight and shone it on the ground and looked for the shiny/slimy worm bodies, (they are called night-crawlers) then you grab hold and pull up gently and place in your coffee can that is holding worm soil. If you do not pull gently you end up with two worms - otherwise known as dead.
Being the good sport that I am (people pleaser) I helped out often, my catch ratio was low, but they enjoyed hearing me scream and squeal.  Night-crawlers are notoriously HUGE and chubby.  

Now I am coming full circle. (intro to Lion King theme music) Yesterday I ordered a WORM FARM/FACTORY and 100 RED WIGGLERS . I am going GREEN!  What we do not feed the chickens (food scraps) will go into the worm farm so those little buggers can make me some kick ass fertilizer for the garden.  Who doesn't have food scraps?  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cats vs. Garden

I don't live in the country, I live in an urban area, but within my urban area are many free range cats, otherwise known as Feral cats, outside cats or more appropriate to South Florida - Homeless Cats. I don't really mind them, they provide endless entertainment for our Labradors and the Cockapoo.  I am guessing they also provide a much needed vermin eradication service.  One big black and white one often finds its' way to our front porch or under the cars.  I do not feed them however, because I know what I would feed them is way better then what their foster people feed them, I don't need 4,000 homeless cats in my yard.
And you are saying - the problem is???  Well Cat POOP of course. They seem to enjoy the side yard where the garden is, normally in the grass.  I scoop it up and pitch it.  Otherwise Puddin Pop loves to roll her body in it.  Weird how dogs love getting poop on their bodies.  This morning when it was crop watering time I went out and there it was ~ A HUGE swarm of flies.  I knew right away I had a problem that is going to require more then a poop bag.  This is now a long term problem and I declare war kitty cats.  Now mind you we have four INDOOR kitties, so it isn't like I hate cats.  But cat poop plus edible garden foods, well it makes my stomach turn. After clearing out the poops I went into the garage and got a fly trap bag. Filled it as directed and hung in the area of attack. Flies are easy to handle, cats - not so much.
I have used these traps for a few months now and they are AWESOME! So that problem is being addressed. I googled "how to keep cats out of raised vegetable gardens" and will enlist a few of the suggestions.  Coffee grounds will be my first line of defense. So if you see me in the dumpster at Dunkin Donuts, know I am not binging, I am gathering coffee grounds.
Puddin Pop - not rolling in poop

Monday, June 11, 2012

Tropical Crops

On Saturday we harvested our very first pineapple.  I do not remember exactly when I planted it, it seems to be 5-7 years ago, but again, not really sure.
We picked it, sliced it, and ate it right away.  This was by far the best pineapple either of us ever eaten!
Pineapple Harvest 2012!!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Egg X's 6

I just ordered six (6) Blue Silkie hatching eggs from My Pet Chicken !!!!

I am so excited I could burst!!!!!!!!!!

Two blue's and one buff

New plants!!!

My new plants arrived yesterday (6/7/2012) for the garden.  I received three (3) Long Island Improved Brussels Sprouts, Three (3)  Snow Crown Cauliflower, Four (4) Spineless Beauty Squash (Zucchini) and Two (2) Fortune Squash (Summer Squash).  
I planted them as follows:  Brussels are with carrots in plot #6, Cauliflower is with beans in plot #4, Zucchini and squash are in plot #3 with Beets and lettuce. 

When we first planned the beds and built them I thought man this is a lot of space, it isn't - on my list I still have strawberries, watermelons and pumpkins to plant.  I may have to container the strawberries.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Crops and Coop

Coop Update:
My coop arrived yesterday!

I bought some basic feeding and care supplies on Sunday.

The heat lamp and some supplements also arrived yesterday. The site for the coop should be cleared today.  Then we want to lay some sod where the bushes were removed.  Mark it off and start assembly.

Crop Update:
This morning I picked a few more cherry tomatoes, and spied some blossoms on all the pepper plants.  Here are some pictures I took this morning
Bed #3 June 7, 2012
Beans June 7, 2012
Peas June 7, 2012
Tomato Plants June 7, 2012
Harvest June 7, 2012